Just general bumf about what's going on in my life!

Monday, October 31, 2005

[Just For Fun] Happy Halloween!

Once again Vamperella had her annual Halloween party, to which I was not invited:-(

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

[About] Pencils.

Here's an example of the level of detail I put in the "pencils" -if- I am then going to go on an ink it.

As you can see I tend to leave them quite empty. This leaves me room to have some fun during the inking process.

If I was pencilling for someone else to ink then I'd tighten the pencils up.

[This Week] X-23

Done for the This Week Forum:

[Just For Fun] How to draw Power-Girl for comics.

I fell in love with a great sketch that Adam Hughes did a whiles ago which was "How not to draw your friends wife". I was inspired to do something similar with Power-girl and have struggled to find the time to get to do just that.

Until last night saw me upto three in the morning.

Part 1.

Part 2.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

[This Week] Thundra

Here you go.

Anyone care to volunteer to help her with this demonstration?

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Thursday, October 06, 2005

[This Week] Shanna

Here you go, some art!

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Monday, October 03, 2005

[News] Commissions

Working on more commissions just now, hence it appears to have gone a little quiet;-)

Oh and I received my new Goldline Bristol Board paper through the mail. Proving once again that buying via the net is easy and reliable...however, for some strange and as yet unfathomable reason the "smooth" paper I've been using now has a "tooth" to it!?

I'm very confused. the pads are clearly marked as "smooth" and yet they are very different from the usual stock I get from the same company...in the same pads!

Better to pencil on but not as good to ink:-(

May just be this batch, we'll see.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

[Just For Fun] Powergirl...again!

LOL...it is definitely like an addiction;-)

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