Just general bumf about what's going on in my life!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Dawn Summers

From Buffy TVSlayer, sketch done for "This Week".


This Week!

Okay, I'm sketching something for the "This Week" Forum:


But if I'm not finished by the time Farscape comes on then it's tough bananas, I'll be downing tools;-)

Iron Man

I've never really drawn Iron Man before, so whilst burning the midnight oil I decided to do a sketch of Iron Man. Hope you enjoy. Click on the graphic.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Thanks to Task!

This is by way of a "Thank-you!" to Task for the caricature below that cheered me up. Here's a sketch of his favourite character.

I hope you all enjoy.

Stopped For Lunch!

So now I'm "lunching"!

I'll soon be faced with the "Can't be bothered resuming work phase;-)

Sheesh I hate being this lethargic!

I'm a quater of the way through the Taskmaster piece.

I'll post that once finished later today.

Probably need to sketch a babe afterwards, to "clean my pallette" in a manner of speaking;-)

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


I've made no secret of my admiration for John Byrne. I personally think the man is a genius in the field of comics. I don't mislead myself into thinking that the man can do no wrong but only that any wrongs he commits in his job appears to be far less than "The next man/woman". It's not always his comic book work that pulls him into the public eye.

Recently he passed a comment relating to the recently departed Christopher Reeve. This comment kicked up a lot of silt. So much so that seeing through the quagmire of bleating sheep has become nigh on an impossible task.

I'm not here to defend JB or his stand point, he's old enough and ugly enough to stand and fall by his own comments without people rushing to his defence. Rather I'm here to say that perhaps WE should be a little more respectful...to ourselves!

Let's take the once fan favourite artist and story teller Fabric Atedname III who came out with the statement, "Actually I consider Hitler as one of the good guys!"

This statement is clearly the polar opposite from the way that most people think. Rather than having the reaction "How could he!?" perhaps the reaction should be, "I wonder why he'd say that?"

Too many people online seem to fall in the Nodding Dog category, where their comments are tantamount to "Yeah, what they said!" This reflects badly on us as individuals. It shows us as 'reactionary', like a knee-jerk when the doctor tests your reflexes. We are displaying no 'control'. Are we that easily lead that like a yawn, we can't help but mimic the knee-jerk-reaction as it spreads throughout the internet without trying to question "why?"

Please note that nowhere in this text have I quoted John Byrne, Paraphrased him or attempted to explain his 'true' meaning in making the comment. This is because I've never read the -actual- comment. I have read a number of things that have been presented in quotation marks "pretending" to be the words that JB has said. There are enough arms and legs on this beast without adding any more.

Humour Can Hit The Nail On The Head!

Task drew these last night and posted them to the group, these cheered me up something rotten! Task has given me permission to post these here. I hope you enjoy them. This first one is uncannily accurate:

Task's favourite character, not surprisingly is the Taskmaster...I might need to dig out some refs and do a sketch of the Taskmaster by way of "Thanks".

My wife laughed her socks off too...in fact maybe her reaction was a little too hearty!?

Thanks Task.

This Morning!

I have to venture into the town. So I'll be away from the drawing board for a few hours.

Hope to update later on this afternoon.

He's no Lady!

Well, tonight kind of got away with me, what with one thing after another.

Here though is a Lady Wolverine done this evening:

After the rough, I try and add a little light and dark to the piece, just so that it doesn't appear overly flat:

And finally, on these pen sketches I'll move to "finish-penciling" in ink, just using the pen:

Hope you enjoy.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Dream-Girl Exclusive Sketch!

Okay, to Christen the Blog I've done a sketch. I was going to do Power Girl but changed my mind and settled on Dream Girl.

Nothing overly taxing here.

Hope you enjoy, click on the thumbnail for the full image.

Time Has Come!

To go and draw something to post here...keep your fingers crossed that my mojo's working;-)

Hows this gonna work?

Good question!

I'll post a piece of work I've done in a Thumbnail, like so:

You can click on the thumbnail and it'll take you to the larger image!

I can tell you how I did it or pass some comment or another. You will be able to reply should you feel the need to....God I do hope you feel the need to-LOL.

Yahoo Forum Closing Down!

Over the time spent in one incarnation or another with Yahoo, I've become more and more frustrated with them. The biggest problem I have is "Time" I spend so much time logging in to so many different accounts that it's a wonder I have time to do anything else!

I'm slowly working on my website to piece that together bit by bit.

In the meantime I'd like to keep those that have some interest aware of what's going on. Hence the start of this blog. Feel free to post comments here and there. I'll be treating this blog pretty much the same way I treated the Forum. A place to share WIP's and artwork as well as my thoughts.

No Excuses, Dammit!

It's a miserable day outside, which means I'm locked in with no excuses. Guess I'll just need to draw something...bother!

Hardly Known Artist Starts Blog!

It's true! A total unknown artist starts blog and struggles to make the first post. Regretfully inspiration struck and his inaugural post became offiacial at 09.45 this morning.