Just general bumf about what's going on in my life!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

[News] At Last!

Okay some News.

I woke up at 4.45am a few days ago, to find that "someone" had spammed/phished my email account once again! In and of itself no biggee but they had managed to ditch all my prefs and drop 3 gigs of info off my harddrive to boot!

This really was the last straw. After months of getting moderators to put my posts on moderation, then take me off then put me back on again, I really have been stretched to breaking point.

As such I took the step to back away from Yahoo Groups and -all- Mail based groups for the time being.

So you will only really find new updates HERE, or at my http://comicartcommunity.com/gallery/categories.php?cat_id=337. I will still be maintaining my renewed commitment to both Catthouse and Picture This! And keeping up with the This Week Weekly "Jam" here: http://www.thirdraildesignlab.com/forum/index.php

Thank you for your support and understanding.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a suggestion, but the two URLs in
the penultimate paragraph of your post
(sorry, must've channeled the spirit
of Stan Lee for a moment there 8^b*)
would make fine updates for the "My
Website" and "This Week" links on
this-hyeer blog site...

5:05 PM

Blogger Darren Taylor said...


Yup another thing I had been meaning to attend to...thanks.

7:59 PM


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