Just general bumf about what's going on in my life!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


This morning I changed the dressing on my injured finger. Looked like maybe a stitch or two may –really- be needed. However, I’m going to leave it in favour of letting it nit-together naturally. I reached that decision because I’ re-dressed the wound and the finger, to make it more conducive to drawing. Cutting out a bit of the dressing to expose a little flesh where the pencil would normally rest against. Although not part of the wound area, it is bruised.
Tried to do a few rough sketches. This was sore but bearable. My line fidelity and fine motor control is down about 15% but not too bad.
Decided to think about what I’d be doing for the Kitten of the Year, which as you know is Rogue. After half an hour I nailed a good idea down. Scanned it, blew it up and printed it off. Had a “practice” at inking on her foot. Evaluated how thing went and figure, I’ll go for the inking! Just taking a little longer and have a little more forethought prior to laying down the lines.
I hope to have my KOTY piece finished this evening, after our houseguests, who have just shown up, leave.


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